Saturday, April 5, 2008

First week of March

Most of the first week of March was spent with my nose buried in a textbook as I caught up on my reading that was due for class that week. I was thankful that I am a fast reader and that my books for class are interesting. Class itself was ok. I had a lot of other things on my mind, so it was hard to pay attention. I almost skipped out on the last afternoon session, but then decided that I should get as much out of the class as possible. I was glad that I did. It was probably one of the best class discussions that we had the entire semester. Good stuff!

After class was over on Friday I hightailed it back to Goshen because my staff was going out for our March fun activity. We had decided to get dressed up and go to South Bend and have dinner at a Thai restaurant. We had a fun time together. The food was quite tasty. The atmosphere was intimate, but not overly romantic. And the company was superb! I so enjoy hanging out with this group of young adults. Here are some photos from our evening out(for some reason I only have photos of the gals from that evening!)...

Rachel & Taylor

Kathryn & Heather

Grace & me

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring Break

Goshen is unique in that our "spring break" doesn't really happen in the spring. It's at the mid point of the semester, so it's usually in what would still be considered winter around here. This year it was the last week of February. There was still much snow on the ground and no signs of spring on the trees yet. We do not close the residence halls during spring break, so life pretty much goes on as usual for my job, except that there are far less students on campus.

I did manage to take one day off during that week and enjoyed some relaxation. My RAs had bought me a gift certificate for Christmas to a day spa over in Granger where I could get a massage. I had trouble scheduling it's use over the holidays, so I did it the Tuesday of break. It was an amazing experience! I've had a massage before, but this one far exceeded the experience the previous two times. The JaRoss Day Spa knows how to treat you right! The atmosphere was serene and everyone treated you like royalty - from the warm foot soak pre-massage to the sparkling glass of water in the sauna post massage. The massage it's self was a full hour long and "did a body good." I had a big knot in my neck/shoulder area. She worked on that long and hard until it was gone. It was one of those hurts that felt good. I felt refreshed beyond compare at the end my of time there.

After the massage I continued to pamper my self with dinner at Panera and the afternoon at Barnes & Noble looking at books. I met a friend at Max & Erma's for dinner - yummy! It was a great break from the pressures of work and school. Thanks again to my wonderful RAs for making it possible!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So very behind on this...

Well, I've been quite lax in my blogging's been almost two months since my last post! It's been a busy year - where do I begin?! I guess we'll pick up where I left off in February.

February is usually pretty quiet around campus with students busy stuck inside studying and creating their own fun. The RDs have been having some fun of their own. We borrowed the Wii game console from another department on campus to use for some campus activities and then kept it longer for our own recreational use! It is a lot more fun than most "video games" out there. I enjoyed and played the bowling, tennis, & golf games quite a bit. But the REAL fun came when I found the boxing game though! The guys laughed at me because I would be punching like a crazy woman and would yell at the screen. It was a blast! Here's a video that Chad made of Alex and I playing. Enjoy! :)