Thursday, May 17, 2007

She called me brave.

A friend of mine called me "brave" today. I don't know if I've ever been called brave before. I know that I think of myself as a strong person, but I've always sort of considered myself to be somewhat of a chicken. I hate horror movies (or even those with much suspense), am kinda scared of the dark, hate hate hate bugs - especially earwigs, and once I locked myself in the bathroom while my friend was stuck in the house with a bat flying around.

Maybe when it comes to things that are truly important like travelling to another country by myself or getting up in front of students (even those who don't like me) to share my heart or going back to school after all these years or in the case today- making the decision to go into a situation where I felt devalued with my head held high and engaging the situation with maturity, when I just wanted to run back to my apartment to cry.

When it counts I AM brave.

Thanks to that friend who called out something good in me that I didn't realize was there. You made a difference today.

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