We announced our new RAs for the 2009-2010 school year on Friday, March 27th. The current RAs woke the new RAs up at 4:00 AM on Wednesday, April 1st to initiate them! Here are some photos of the craziness....

Blindfolded in the holding tank...the elevator.

Raising a hand to speak.

Blindfolded back rubs

The new Kratz/Miller RAs!

me with my new RAs
David, me, Nate, Ashley, Mary, and Sarah

me with my current RAs
Josh, Julie, Kelly, Ashley, me, Jenna, Bryce, and Jon

the current and new K/M RAs with me

All the RAs..Kratz/Miller and Yoder - current and new!
Wait. So YOU were up at 4 a.m.?? You just stayed up didn't you? Did you go to bed after? Inquiring minds want to know! ;)p
I actually went to bed around midnight and got up around 3:30 to get the breakfast casseroles out of the fridge and into the oven so that we could eat by 6:00. I know, I don't do it often, but when I HAVE to, I can totally get my butt up early.
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