Last year I planned a birthday party for myself, and while that felt a little self centered, I also realized that it's a tradition I want to continue (esp when my birthday falls on the weekend.) I want to continue because I know that I can quickly fall into a little pool of loneliness and depression if I am alone on special days like my birthday - being single feels much bigger and harder on those days that it does most other days. When I plan something fun with people who are special to me I am reminded that I matter to people and that my life has value. And, yes, I know that those things are true every day, but somehow when I'm at home alone on days that are "meant" to be spent with people who love you, being alone in my apartment can feel overwhelmingly sad. Anyway...
I turned 39 on Saturday. My last year in my 30s! I love Chicago, so I invited about several women to go to Chicago with me to have dinner at Buca di Beppo (my FAVORITE Italian restaurant), to make a quick stop at Trader Joe's and to walk around the city a bit and get some photos at the Bean.

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